In an attempt to corral the leaked information about the next installment of the Assassin’s Creed franchise, Ubisoft released a teaser trailer for Assassin’s Creed Unity. Set in the world of the French Revolution and already being signaled as “next-gen only”, Unity will have quite the bar to clear to prove the annual franchise can make the full jump to the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
Rumors are swirling around Unity like I haven’t seen before for an Assassin’s Creed title. Coming off the commercial and critical success enjoyed by its piratical predecessor, Unity certainly have a lot of eyes on its development. I am curious where the meta-story is going to go. In terms of history, the French Revolution occurred only a dozen years after the issuance of the Declaration of Independence by the American colonies. So, if Haytham Kenway and his son Connor are in North America, what blood line will we be following in AC Unity? Will it be Subject Zero’s ancestor or perhaps will the person be related to Subject 16? Ubisoft has a great opportunity to expand and enhance the universe and I’m looking forward to seeing where they take us.
I have heard a spreading rumor that the Three Musketeers will make an appearance in Unity as individuals who you will team up with in the game. While I think this is an interesting possibility and I am a huge fan of Alexandre Dumas and his works, I am afraid of Ubisoft traveling too far into the world of fiction to make this story line work.
Obviously, there is plenty of time before “Holiday 2014″ to find out more about Assassin’s Creed Unity. I’m sure E3 will spell it all out for us. Personally, I would rather have more sea battles – Assassin’s Creed: Spanish Armada anyone?
Assassin’s Creed Unity Teaser
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